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Andrew Sheaff

The Best Way To Perform Swimming Workouts

Swimming is a tough sport because it can be really hard to make progress.

I’ve been there, you’ve been there, we’ve all been there.

It’s really hard because you have to learn these skills that are realy foreign AND you have to develop really great fitness.

For instance, what do you do when you can swimming really well for one lap at a slow speed, but you struggle to hold it together when you push the pace or extend the distance?

If you’re like most people, you probably just keep swimming really easy with plenty of rest.

Or you go crazy and go as long and as hard as possible with little consideration for HOW they’re swimming.

Different approaches, same result- no progress.

The first person might have great skills, but they lack the fitness to sustain those skills.

The second person might have great fitness, but they can’t use that fitness to perform because they have no speed.

Instead, you need a PLAN for how to approach your training so you can sustain your skills and execute them when it matters most, in a race.

As promised, here’s the solution

There are FOUR types of training to do.

1. Do it right

2. Do it faster

3. Do it longer

4. Do it harder

You emphasize whichever prefer depending on your GOALS.

We’re going to go into each phase in more detail, so you know exactly what to do and how to do it.

Before we do, I want to clue you into THE KEY SECRET.

As I told you last time, you need to be constantly integrating the key skill exercises into your sets.

They provide the key reminders of the sensations of HOW you should swim.

Without them, it’s really easy to fall back into the wrong patterns.

A quick note- you can work in ALL four areas at the same time.

Just place your focus where it’s most appropriate for your goals.

Do It Right

This is pure skill work.

The focus is on swimming well with no physical pressure.

The speeds are slow, and the distances are short.

It’s all about LEARNING.

You can use this type of work to groove skills you’ve already gotten a handle on.

Or you can use them to take your skills to the next level.

In that case, you’re figuring out new ways to move through the water more effectively.

Once you figure these ways out, THEN you can learn how to TRAIN these skills with the options below.

These sets are like money in the bank.

They’re an investment in future performance because you’re staying in touch with your skills, and your skills are what create speed.

Do It Faster

This is type of training is all about speed.

Remember that all races, even the longest ones, are RACES.

It’s about who swims the fastest.

If you want to go fast, you have to practice going fast.

Of course, going fast isn’t just about effort.

It’s about skill.

You need to practice executing your skills FAST if you want to swim FAST.

These sets create the conditions for you to do just that.

Here are the key parameters.

The goal is to execute great skills as fast as possible.

Everything sets you up to practice going fast.

Keep checking in with your skills and keep going FAST.

Do It Longer

Every triathlon race, even the ‘sprint’ races, are endurance events.

You need to be able to sustain your effort and sustain your skills.

That’s exactly what you need to practice.

You need to practice executing great skills for prolonged periods of time.

Here’s how to do it.

A key point to notice is that these sets aren’t necessarily HARD.

They’re just LONG.

It doesn’t matter how fast you swim, and in many ways, slower is better.

Keep it under control, execute your skills really well, and let the volume do the work.

You’ll get plenty of speed and effort during other sets.

Do It Harder

This is the step that should be used most cautiously.

It’s the most difficult, by far.

You’re going to be pushing the pace and pushing the speed, simulating racing conditions.

The goal is to challenge your ability to sustain your skills.

Here are the key parameters that you want to observe.

You’re going to be pushing the pace for longer periods of time, and you’re not going to get tons of rest.

That’s what makes it hard.

You’re trying to make yourself bulletproof.

This work is hard, and it can take a lot out of you, so you don’t want to do too much.

Use wisely, and you’ll reap the rewards.

How To Do It

Looking for practical examples of what all this looks like.

Check out these sample sets.

They provide straight forward examples that you can implement today, or use as inspiration for sets of your own design.

What are the key concepts?

You’ll see the alternation between the exercises and the freestyle swimming.

Remember, you want to constantly be reengaging with your skills as you go.

That’s what makes this work.

You’ll also see that the sets focus on only ONE of the key areas.

It’s about swimming really well, swimming fast, swimming long, or swimming hard.

Of course, the distances I chose aren’t magic.

Simply adjust them for your situation and have at it.

Likewise, you can use ANY exercises that you want in any set.

Just identify what you want to improve and use the best exercise to help you learn that skill.

All that’s left is it DO IT!

What’s YOUR biggest challenge in training?

Let me know so I can be sure to touch on it in future e-mails, so that you can get the results that you’re looking for.

Keep it simple…


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